Power up your people to lead with agency and purpose.
Get set to flip the cascade and unlock talent all over your business.
Our methods deliver immediate impact and spread infectious new behaviours.
So it’s out with resistance, in with learning and progress. It all adds up to radical shifts with rapid ROI.
Our special sauce.
What we do is talent activation. How we do it is with positive intelligence and the science of social influence.
4 design principles underpin every campaign.
Proven process.
6 steps to consistently effective outcomes.
1. Define.
Crystal-clear briefs with behaviour shifts, action territories and impacts.
2. Discover.
Insights backed by cold, hard truths that ground your project in reality.
3. Align.
Directions that get buy-in and backing across the leadership layers.
4. Design.
A campaign to fit your context, culture and likely sources of conflict.
5. Deploy.
Recruit teams of talent for the work of learning in the flow of change.
6. Refine.
Hard data and human experiences to measure and multiply returns.